Colorado Zoo – Cheyenne Mountain Zoo


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Colorado Zoo – Cheyenne Mountain Zoo – Colorado Springs, It still has the warm, casual, family friendly character it has always had. It is just better now. Matter of fact, you can take your lunch with you and enjoy it at one of the shaded picnic eating areas. Don’t forget to take your water bottles, a hat, sunglasses, sun screen and your most comfortable pair of walking shoes. The panorama goes all the way from just below Monument to the north, then sweeps across Colorado Springs to the south side of town near Fort Carson. To the east is the wide open high plains. Now I ask you; How can you beat that? A zoo with a view. Nice… I highly recommend this as a part of your Colorado Bucket list. It doesn’t matter if you are from Colorado or just visiting from another state or country. Continue reading

China-Fujian Tulou-Housing


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I HOPE YOU FIND IT INTERESTING AND ENJOYABLE AS WELL. WE ARE TRAVELING TO SOUTHEAST CHINA TO TAKE A LOOK AT WHAT IS CALLED “FUJIAN TULOU.” It is essentially an ancient Chinese version of an apartment dwelling that is derived from the essential need of a family unit, and the idea that 2 person’s or more are better for protection. Continue reading

Cherry Creek Arts Festival 2013


The Cherry Creek Arts Festival was earlier this month, and sad to say, I was not able to make it. No personal photo’s to share this year. However I do have a link that may help some of you that are seeking information and photo’s of this years event. Continue reading

Trayvon Martin – George Zimmerman – Faith


Don’t ask me which it is. I don’t know. What I do know is that all of this involves two people and two families, and a whole nation.My heart cries in pain no matter who I think of or what I think of when I see this topic anywhere. And I confess, I have stayed away from it just for those reasons. What I do know is that the state of social well being in this country is of concern to many people these day’s. Political Correctness has now gone way too far. You can not find the truth in a search engine, you can not find truth on CNBC, you can not find truth on FOX News, even blogging is a far cry from the truth. We can not tell the truth from propaganda in any form, let alone chose between the truth’s that are forced at us by biased media and politics. The truth does exist and it is an absolute truth. All of this hurts even more by the ugly presence of Hate, Fear, Anger, Revenge and the lack of LOVE! Continue reading

Latest Music – Fourever Fab – Beatles


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The Fourever Fab – It was a great presentation musically and the stage performance with costumes really topped it off. From vintage style instruments to those crazy haircuts, it all fit together. John, Paul, George, and Ringo, The Beatles; I finally was able to see them perform. As close as I will ever get. If you were fortunate enough to see them live in the 60’s with all of the hysteria, it must have been an unforgettable experience. And if you did not see The Beatles, then you can catch up by going to see “The Fourever Fab” when they are in your vicinity. Continue reading

Daniels Park Colorado – July 06, 2013


Daniels Park Colorado is in the southern most part of Denver and sits high above most other places, the photo’s in this post just capture the view from the west side of the park looking at the nearby foothills to the west and south. You can see Pikes Peak in several of these shots. It is the pointed peak in the background sticking out above the horizon line of the Rocky Mountain Range. Continue reading

Pikes Peak Hill Climb 2013 – Motor Sports – FINAL RESULTS


Pikes Peak Hill Climb 2013 – Motor Sports – Update on the FINAL RESULTS” – The race is over for the Pikes Peak Hill Climb 2013, another year and here is a you tube video of the insane victory race that came in under nine minutes. If you have ever been there, you know how incredible this feet is. – Insane! Continue reading

SUNSET in Denver Colorado – July 5, 2013


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“SUNSET in Denver Colorado – July 5, 2013”
Another nice sunset in Denver this friday evening. It was nice to sit around and unwind after the 4th of July.

SUNSET last Friday in Denver

“SUNSET last Friday in Denver”

This SUNSET changed colors with each shot I took. We were hoping for rain from those clouds.

It never showed up till just the last couple of days. Now we are getting rain once a day in the evenings and the night temperature is great for sleeping. Those of you visiting Denver this week have had some very nice weather. If this continues, the 4th of July will be just perfect. Fireworks will be permitted due to the rain. It would have been a real disappointment to have the 4th of July and no fireworks.

SUNSET FOR YOU…The fun of it all!