Colorado Photography – Will Rogers Shrine

Colorado Photography
Will Rogers Shrine

Will Rogers Shrine of the Sun
This is actually coupled with the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo post.


The Man:

Will Rogers was quite a guy. He was very popular in his day and time. Born in Oologah, Oklahoma on November the fourth 1879. Unfortunately his life was cut short by a plane crash in Point Barrow, Alaska, on August the fifteenth 1935. Here are more detailed facts and a video if you would like to learn more.

The Shrine:

Will Rogers Shrine

Will Rogers The Cowboy

We visited the shrine after we toured the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. I have only two suggestions. First, do not forget to do it and Second, make certain to budget your time to do this. There is no elevator and it is a healthy amount of stairs. There are several viewing rooms to stop at as you walk up the stairs. Allocate one to two hours for this.  Why?  Well…  if you like museums, history and absolutely fantastic panoramic views, then this is it. As you enter the parking lot you will drive past the museum. Inside you will find fresh water, conditioned air and tons of history. It is a short walk from the parking lot to the shrine. Easy, less than a dozen stairs.

Now that you have arrived, walk around and enjoy the scenery before entering the Shrine. Once you have rested and soaked in the clean fresh air, go inside and enjoy the many surprises. You will not be disappointed with what you find, even if you do not decide to conquer the stairs.  As you enter through the massive ornate doors, there is a sanctuary just to the left. The header photograph is the ceiling of this room. If you did not get enough rest outside, you can catch up here. There are benches you can sit on and simply take in all of the painted artwork on the walls and ceiling.

Are you ready to conquer the stairs?

Was that a Yes or a No I heard? Oh…come on and give it a try. Even if you only make it to the first viewing room there will be plenty of paintings, photographs and history to make it worth your effort’s. Do be cautious if you have health issues or are bothered by the altitude. As you progress upward you will come to a door that leads you out to an open-air viewing platform. By now you must hate it. More fresh air and view’s to die for. Enjoy and venture up to the top and back outside to another larger viewing platform. Spend as much time as you like. If there are no other people around, you can just help yourself to the serenity of the moment.

With that all said and done, here are some additional resources you may find interesting and even entertaining:


Extra photographs for your viewing.

Will Rogers Shrine of the Sun (Wikipedia).

Visitor Information Cheyenne Mountain Zoo/Will Rogers Shrine.

Lonely Planet Review with a map.

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