Merry Christmas 2014


This gallery contains 1 photo.

“Christmas Love”
The sincere warmth in the Love of Christmas
A striking thought and emotion occurred to me one day, I do not remember when or where. I don’t even remember what I was doing at that particular time. It was however just this December, Twenty-Fourteen. It may have been while listening to “Silent Night” “Away In A Manger” or some other similar Christmas song. The thought of a stable with people and animals passing in the cold night, and the ever present warmth of Love. Continue reading

Salute to veterans! 2014



One nation under God - Salute to veterans 2014

Salute to veterans 2014 – In God We Trust

This may offend most people, but war is an offense to all. This is not for children, but then again, we are all God’s children. There is no reason or sense to war, yet there is no peace without war. Oh, The price paid for our freedom, to be where we are now. Maybe it was a video that started all these war’s, but then what does it matter?

Or so they say…

What do you say?
And then there is The Truth,
 The Pain,
  The Sacrifice,
   The Memories,
    The Nightmares,
     The Tears,
      The shameful lies,
       To lay down your life for your fellow-man,
        To love even your enemy,
         To have compassion,
          To have God on your side!

May our country stay strong despite the lies, lack of leadership, the use of racism as a political tool to undermine the years of progress, and the use of racism to divide our country and others. The use of narcissistic agendas and politics that are deliberate stumbling blocks for progress. The corporate greed, and power of corruption.

It is not politically correct to seek the truth of matters. It is an obligation to our integrity as individuals and as a nation.

May these seed’s of power and greed die as quickly as they were planted. The American people are greater than this. We are our brothers keeper, and stewards of this world we share and live in. Peace, like Love; takes hard work over a life time. For all people of all nation’s. It can and must overpower hate, anger, and greed of every kind.

Take a stand for the absolute truth. Nothing more and nothing less.

In memory of those that are no longer with us.

My thanks to all of you for taking the stand. God bless you and this country.


May “Old Glory” fly mighty and high-Always!

“Images of then and now”

"OLD GLORY" and Still Is!

“In God We Trust”

Christmas Lights-Denver 01


This gallery contains 9 photos.

Enjoy the Christmas Lights and maybe take the friends and family out for an excursion to see what you can find.
We do have snow in here in Denver, at the moment. That has made very nice for getting out to take some pictures. A little cold at 4 degrees above Zzzzero! Not to mention the camera and myself get a little slow after the first 20 minutes or so. Continue reading

Photographs and Coffee


This gallery contains 2 photos.

“Solid Gounds of Littleton Colorado”
COFFEE AND PHOTOGRAPHS: This Sunday morning was the perfect time to enjoy friendship and a cup of coffee in the early morning sunshine. Warm and cozy before the fall changes get cold and winter like. Continue reading

2013 Kickoff Game Clouds-Denver Broncos


2013 Kickoff Game Clouds-Denver Broncos-Now how about that. It was a good game. Bronco fans should be quite happy about that. Attached are a few photo’s of the game clouds from the south end of town. Continue reading

Elephant Whisperer


This gallery contains 3 photos.

I don’t know about you, but I find this to be an amazing story, worth getting the whole scoop. For 12 hours, two herds of wild South African elephants slowly made their way through the Zululand bush until they reached the house of late author Lawrence Anthony, the conservationist who saved their lives. Continue reading

Inspirational Music


Inspirational Music in the vein of Modern Traditional-The first video: This is an American Indian based song that covers a lot of ground instrumentally. I hope you enjoy Ananau and find it to be relaxing.
The second video: Switching from a familiar sound that is found in the American Sothwest to a more traditional sound comming from Mongolia. The group is Altai Kai “Altayim.” Continue reading

Colorado Photos – Fort Collins


This gallery contains 1 photo.

Fort Collins, Colorado is a town full of character, as you can see in the photos. About a 80 minute drive from Denver and 80 miles an hour. Wee… Excitement on the High Plains this week ( that is not a Colorado cannibus high). The photo’s here are only a small representation of what you will find in Fort Collins. However, take a look and enjoy the trip through downtown. Continue reading

Colorado Photography – Will Rogers Shrine


This gallery contains 1 photo.

Will Rogers was quite a guy. He was very popular in his day and time. Born in Oologah, Oklahoma on November the fourth 1879. Unfortunately his life was cut short by a plane crash in Point Barrow, Alaska, on August the fifteenth 1935. Here are more detailed facts and a video if you would like to learn more. As you progress upward you will come to a door that leads you out to an open-air viewing platform. By now you must hate it. More fresh air and view’s to die for. Enjoy and venture up to the top and back outside to another larger viewing platform. Spend as much time as you like. If there are no other people around, you can just help yourself to the serenity of the moment. Continue reading