Latest Music – Fourever Fab – Beatles


This gallery contains 2 photos.

The Fourever Fab – It was a great presentation musically and the stage performance with costumes really topped it off. From vintage style instruments to those crazy haircuts, it all fit together. John, Paul, George, and Ringo, The Beatles; I finally was able to see them perform. As close as I will ever get. If you were fortunate enough to see them live in the 60’s with all of the hysteria, it must have been an unforgettable experience. And if you did not see The Beatles, then you can catch up by going to see “The Fourever Fab” when they are in your vicinity. Continue reading

SUNSET last Friday in Denver

“SUNSET last Friday in Denver”

This SUNSET changed colors with each shot I took. We were hoping for rain from those clouds.

It never showed up till just the last couple of days. Now we are getting rain once a day in the evenings and the night temperature is great for sleeping. Those of you visiting Denver this week have had some very nice weather. If this continues, the 4th of July will be just perfect. Fireworks will be permitted due to the rain. It would have been a real disappointment to have the 4th of July and no fireworks.

SUNSET FOR YOU…The fun of it all!