Clean your act up! – Men’s Fashion

“Clean your act up! – Men’s Fashion”

A new topic came about after watching this video. Fashion is a loose term that can be applied many different ways. For men this is a lost art these days. Yes! We are still men and can enjoy the finer things in life. We all define ourselves in different ways. Casual is cool and elegant is just that. Create stature and presence with your personal care. Others will notice and you might find that you like the mileage you get out of it. Stay in shape and eat healthy. All things you have heard many times and in many places. Age helps define this as well. No matter what your style or fashion might be, do it to the best of your ability. Make certain it fits your character and physical qualities.

Take a friend shopping with you if you think you need help. Stripes and polka dots do not fit well together. Contrast on the other hand can do good, but that is best left for the designer’s to tackle. Colors are critical! I say that again “Colors are critical” and can make you look really nasty, no matter what the style you are trying to fit into. The old “What season are you?” is a good approach. You may find it hard to find someone who can properly implement this. If you can, I suggest making use of their knowledge. Stay clean and enjoy the video.