Elephant Whisperer


This gallery contains 3 photos.

I don’t know about you, but I find this to be an amazing story, worth getting the whole scoop. For 12 hours, two herds of wild South African elephants slowly made their way through the Zululand bush until they reached the house of late author Lawrence Anthony, the conservationist who saved their lives. Continue reading

Open Travel Ways in Europe-Venice Italy


This gallery contains 2 photos.

Open Travel Ways in Europe-Venice Italy: There are many of these in Venice and they are all intriguing to explore to see where they will lead you. The scale, the color, the spaces, the people and most of all the light. The light in Venice is comparable to the light you find in the desert. It changes constantly and so the mood of the moment takes on a new value that is exciting, and romancing in so many way’s. Countless to be exact. Continue reading

Colorado Photos – Fort Collins


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Fort Collins, Colorado is a town full of character, as you can see in the photos. About a 80 minute drive from Denver and 80 miles an hour. Wee… Excitement on the High Plains this week ( that is not a Colorado cannibus high). The photo’s here are only a small representation of what you will find in Fort Collins. However, take a look and enjoy the trip through downtown. Continue reading

Colorado Photography – Will Rogers Shrine


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Will Rogers was quite a guy. He was very popular in his day and time. Born in Oologah, Oklahoma on November the fourth 1879. Unfortunately his life was cut short by a plane crash in Point Barrow, Alaska, on August the fifteenth 1935. Here are more detailed facts and a video if you would like to learn more. As you progress upward you will come to a door that leads you out to an open-air viewing platform. By now you must hate it. More fresh air and view’s to die for. Enjoy and venture up to the top and back outside to another larger viewing platform. Spend as much time as you like. If there are no other people around, you can just help yourself to the serenity of the moment. Continue reading

Mountain Peaks-The Summit-Why


This gallery contains 8 photos.

“Mountain Peaks – The Summit – Why”
There are so many reasons why?
To most it makes no sense. Or at least no common sense.
And the summit?
You will have to make the journey yourself. Continue reading

Latest Music – Fourever Fab – Beatles


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The Fourever Fab – It was a great presentation musically and the stage performance with costumes really topped it off. From vintage style instruments to those crazy haircuts, it all fit together. John, Paul, George, and Ringo, The Beatles; I finally was able to see them perform. As close as I will ever get. If you were fortunate enough to see them live in the 60’s with all of the hysteria, it must have been an unforgettable experience. And if you did not see The Beatles, then you can catch up by going to see “The Fourever Fab” when they are in your vicinity. Continue reading

Daniels Park Colorado – July 06, 2013


Daniels Park Colorado is in the southern most part of Denver and sits high above most other places, the photo’s in this post just capture the view from the west side of the park looking at the nearby foothills to the west and south. You can see Pikes Peak in several of these shots. It is the pointed peak in the background sticking out above the horizon line of the Rocky Mountain Range. Continue reading

SUNSET in Denver Colorado – July 5, 2013


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“SUNSET in Denver Colorado – July 5, 2013”
Another nice sunset in Denver this friday evening. It was nice to sit around and unwind after the 4th of July.

SUNSET last Friday in Denver

“SUNSET last Friday in Denver”

This SUNSET changed colors with each shot I took. We were hoping for rain from those clouds.

It never showed up till just the last couple of days. Now we are getting rain once a day in the evenings and the night temperature is great for sleeping. Those of you visiting Denver this week have had some very nice weather. If this continues, the 4th of July will be just perfect. Fireworks will be permitted due to the rain. It would have been a real disappointment to have the 4th of July and no fireworks.

SUNSET FOR YOU…The fun of it all!