Albania-Korce-Small Church – May 2013


This gallery contains 5 photos.

This is a small church just outside of the city of Koce in Albania. It is a Greek Orthodox church at a village cemetery. It has just been rebuilt after suffering a gret deal of damage during the communist era. … Continue reading

Albania-Coastline May 2013


This gallery contains 1 photo.

The coastline of the Adriatic Sea is very colorful, full of ever-changing hues of blue. Though it is a sea, it tends to have a very choppy wave that can get quite rough. The Albanian coastline can go from open … Continue reading

COTA Raceway-V8 Race Cars


This gallery contains 4 photos.

Here are some interesting shots of a fast and crazy race event at the new world-class sports and entertainment complex known as COTA Raceway (Circuit of the Americas) in Austin, Texas. This was a three-day event May 17th thru 19th. … Continue reading

Solid Rock Baptist Church-Dedication


This gallery contains 1 photo.

Dedication Service for the completion of the new sanctuary renovation at Solid Rock Baptist Church of Aurora, Colorado. This was a great spirit filled day of worship and fellowship. Loads of colour, music, dancing and saying hello to a lot … Continue reading